Alright guys, after many trials and errors and rising, falling and then heaving enthusiasms, We are up!
Welcome to the conclave.
This is the place to Critisize and comment , Share and learn. I don’t feel like saying much because I want it to live by its artistic affluence and not just some guys philosophic prattle. It happened before. People say and say and say more, make you feel like something substantial is gonna happen and you wait. Everything is dead. Nothing happens. No one does what they say and everything is forgotten.
I don’t sound very encouraging for the first post which is supposed to be encouraging, right? However fun and enjoyable Animation seems, the ones who swam in its deep water knows how much it takes to be someone in this ocean. So lets get together and form a Team without which we are weak as twigs. Lets create this community which will live forever and will be helpful not only to us but to everyone who follows. Happy Animating!
Introducing the Cartoon Cardinals:
Mitali Panganti (Misty or Mitli) - The Manga girl
Sumit Jayatmal (Ray) – The Gamer
Tanmay Padalikar (Tany) – The Bone collector
Nilabh Umredkar ( Nick..that’s me;-) – The…..ummmm….well You say!
All hereby will be called Cardinals of the conclave. Eg – Cardinal Mitali…h eh he.
So lets get started.
PS: Look out for the second post. Classes are starting!
what? cardinals aren't supposed to talk about philosophy? not fair... lol
good post...
Nice start....nice illustration
And Nick aka the Lanky guy
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