Friday, February 5, 2010

Good News!

Heya folks! I know. Everyone is waiting for the results. Yes it has been on hold and we have some delay in the process but I have some very good news.
Heather Kilber, an Animation Mentor student from Minnesota, United States who is an excellent Painter and Photographer and Character Animator has kindly agreed to Judge the competition. You can visit her blog here, and her other blog about inspirational videos for animators here.
We are honored to have a great artist like her to come and visit our blog, and give us extremely valuable comments. Thanks a lot Heather!

The date of the results will be published soon! See ya!


TANMAY said...

WOW...!! That's a wonderful news Nick, Oh! I am eager to know her extremely valuable comments...!!

Mitali P said...

really cool.. i just saw her blog and I am excited in anticipation...
she is really kind.